Annual Certification Payment Plan (ACPP)

The Annual Certification Payment Plan (ACPP) provides subscribers with a concierge certification service and a significant savings and convenience for obtaining annual medical certifications as long as they remain active members.

When you sign up for ACPP, your credit card is charged $19.99, with this amount automatically billed monthly on the first of the month. In exchange, ACPP membership covers the cost of your yearly appointment with a medical certification professional from our partnering networks and provides members-only access to other special deals across the network.

How It Works

You have two options for payment for the appointment:

  1. Pay the full price at the time of your appointment.
  2. Choose a monthly payment of $19.99, to begin the monthly subscription in ACPP.

ACPP Process

  • Your initial deposit of $19.99 lets you see a certifying medical provider immediately.
  • Your ongoing monthly payments automatically count towards your next annual certification. Keep your payments up to date, and your next certification is fully covered.
  • You'll receive notifications when it's time to renew, and you can contact the appointment booking service to schedule your appointment at a time convenient for you. Members get priority appointment placement
  • Visit the provider to get recertified.
  • Repeat the process annually.

ACPP Important Notes

  • All payments must be up to date before you can schedule an appointment using the plan.
  • Monthly Price Guarantee: The price you pay when you join is locked in as long as your account is in good standing. Late payments or declined charges may lead to an increase in your monthly fee to reflect current prices.