Weed Delivery in Worcester

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Worcester Weed Delivery

Weed delivery is legal in Worcester. Worcester allows licensed marijuana delivery service providers and the delivery of cannabis to eligible persons within its borders. Note that marijuana can only be delivered to the residential addresses of eligible cannabis consumers in Worcester.

Is Medical Marijuana Delivery Legal in Worcester?

Yes. Medical cannabis delivery is legal in Worcester. An Amendment to the Worcester City Zoning Ordinance permits the delivery of medical marijuana to registered medical marijuana patients.

Does Worcester Allow Recreational Marijuana Delivery?

Yes, recreational weed is legal in Worcester. The Worcester City zoning Ordinance allows the delivery of recreational marijuana to eligible residents’ homes. Registered marijuana delivery businesses can also be established in the city.

Can You Order Weed Online in Worcester?

Adults aged 21 years and older in Worcester can order recreational weed online and have them delivered to their residences. Similarly, registered medical marijuana patients aged 18 years and older can order medical marijuana products. However, state law requires individuals intending to order marijuana to have been pre-verified before making the orders. They must have provided their government-issued identification cards to the dispensaries before placing their orders. Hence, ordering marijuana online in Worcester might require an initial visit to a dispensary, where the dispensary can verify the person’s identification card and store the information for future reference.

How Much Weed Can You Order for Delivery in Worcester?

The Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana Law (CRM 501.00) permits marijuana patients in Worcester to order up to 10 ounces of marijuana. In addition, per the Massachusetts Adult Use of Marijuana Law, adults aged 21 years or older in Worcester can order up to 1 ounce (28 grams) of marijuana or 5 grams of cannabis concentrate.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Use Weed Delivery Services in Worcester?

Recreational weed consumers in Worcester must be 21 years or older before they can use marijuana delivery services in the city. In contrast, medical marijuana patients must be 18 years or older to order medical marijuana in Worcester. Cannabis patients under 18 may only order medical cannabis products for delivery through their caregivers.

Who Can Provide Weed Delivery Service in Worcester?

Marijuana courier licensees can deliver weed to consumers from marijuana retailers or medical marijuana treatment centers in Worcester. Also, marijuana delivery operator licensees may purchase cannabis directly from marijuana cultivators and marijuana product manufacturers to sell and deliver to consumers. However, they must own stores where they can securely store marijuana products.

Additionally, marijuana delivery endorsement licensees can provide weed delivery services in Worcester. These are marijuana microbusinesses given special permission to deliver marijuana products to consumers. Weed delivery licensees are permitted to contract with third-party technology providers to facilitate the ordering and delivery of marijuana products.

How to Find a Worcester Weed Delivery Service Near Me

Eligible marijuana consumers in Worcester can find weed delivery service providers in the city by checking with local marijuana retailers to determine if they offer marijuana delivery.

Do You Need to Present Your ID to Receive Weed Delivery in Worcester?

Yes, individuals who order recreational marijuana in Worcester must present their ID cards when receiving their deliveries. The presented ID cards must be the same as the government-issued photo identification cards they used at pre-verification. Medical marijuana patients in Worcester must also present their pre-verified photo identification cards with their medical marijuana cards. In Worcester, weed delivery can only be received by the same person who placed the order.